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What Time Does Best Buy Close? Store Hours, Locations, and More

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If you're in need of a new electronic device, you might be wondering, "What time does Best Buy close?" In this article, we'll explore the store hours of Best Buy, its locations, and provide you with some useful tips for shopping at Best Buy.

Best Buy Store Hours

Best Buy's store hours vary depending on the location. In general, most Best Buy stores are open from 10 AM to 9 PM Monday through Saturday and from 11 AM to 8 PM on Sunday. However, it's always best to check the store hours for the location nearest you before you go. You can find the store hours for each location on the Best Buy website or by using the Best Buy mobile app.

Best Buy Locations

Best Buy has over 1,000 stores across the United States, with locations in all 50 states. To find the Best Buy location nearest you, simply visit the Best Buy website or use the Best Buy mobile app. Once you've entered your location information, you'll be able to see a list of the closest stores along with their addresses, phone numbers, and store hours.

Shopping at Best Buy

When shopping at Best Buy, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, be sure to check the store hours for the location you plan to visit. You don't want to make a trip only to find out that the store has already closed. Additionally, be sure to check the availability of the product you're looking for before you go. You can do this by visiting the Best Buy website or using the Best Buy mobile app. This will save you time and ensure that you can purchase the product you want.

Best Buy Price Matching

One of the great things about shopping at Best Buy is their price matching policy. To take advantage of this policy, simply bring proof of the lower price to the customer service desk at the time of purchase.

Best Buy Rewards Program

Another great perk of shopping at Best Buy is their rewards program. The My Best Buy program allows you to earn points for every dollar you spend at Best Buy. The program also offers other benefits such as free shipping, exclusive offers, and access to special events.

Best Buy Return Policy

If for any reason you need to return an item purchased at Best Buy, their return policy is simple and straightforward. Most products can be returned within 15 days for a full refund or exchange. However, there are some exceptions, such as cell phones and major appliances, which have a shorter return window. Be sure to check the return policy for the specific product you're purchasing before you buy.

Best Buy Geek Squad

If you're in need of technical support or repairs for your electronics, Best Buy's Geek Squad is there to help. Geek Squad agents are available in-store, online, and by phone to provide support and solutions for all your technology needs. From setting up a new device to repairing a broken one, Geek Squad has you covered.

Best Buy Installations

Best Buy also offers installation services for many of the products they sell. From TVs and home theater systems to car stereos and appliances, Best Buy's installation services ensure that your new products are set up and working

Best Buy Installations (continued)

properly. Best Buy's professional installation services can save you time and ensure that your new devices are installed correctly, maximizing their performance and longevity.

Best Buy Online Shopping

If you prefer to shop online, Best Buy has a user-friendly website that offers a wide selection of products, including exclusive online-only deals. You can also take advantage of free shipping on eligible products, and the option for in-store pickup at your convenience.

Heading 10: Best Buy Customer Service

Finally, Best Buy offers excellent customer service to ensure that you have a positive shopping experience. If you have any questions or concerns about a product or service, you can contact Best Buy's customer service by phone, email, or chat. Their knowledgeable and friendly customer service team is available to help you with any issues or inquiries.


In conclusion, whether you're looking for a new laptop, TV, or smartphone, Best Buy is a great destination for all your electronics needs. The store hours for Best Buy vary by location, so be sure to check the hours for the location nearest you before you go. Additionally, Best Buy offers a range of services, including price matching, rewards programs, installation services, and excellent customer service. So whether you prefer to shop in-store or online, Best Buy has you covered.

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