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Who Owns Cricket Wireless?

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Cricket Wireless is a popular mobile network operator that has been providing affordable wireless services to customers in the United States since 1999. The company has established a reputation for offering reliable wireless services, excellent customer service, and affordable plans that cater to different customers' needs. Over the years, Cricket Wireless has grown to become one of the most popular prepaid wireless providers in the United States, serving over 10 million customers across the country. In this article, we will take a closer look at who owns Cricket Wireless and how the company has evolved over the years.

Background of Cricket Wireless

Cricket Wireless was founded in 1999 by Leap Wireless International, a San Diego-based company that specialized in providing wireless services to customers in rural areas. The company initially started providing wireless services under the Cricket brand in Chicago, and it quickly expanded to other major cities across the country. Over the years, Cricket Wireless has gone through several changes in ownership, and the company has evolved significantly since its inception.

Acquisition by AT&T

In 2013, Cricket Wireless was acquired by AT&T, one of the largest telecommunications companies in the United States. The acquisition was part of AT&T's strategy to expand its reach in the prepaid wireless market and provide affordable wireless services to customers across the country. The acquisition was valued at $1.2 billion, and it marked a significant milestone in the evolution of Cricket Wireless.

Under AT&T's ownership, Cricket Wireless has continued to provide affordable wireless services to customers across the country. The company has expanded its network coverage, improved its data speeds, and introduced new plans that cater to different customers' needs. Today, Cricket Wireless is known for offering reliable wireless services, excellent customer service, and affordable plans that are ideal for customers who are looking to save money on their wireless bills.

Current Ownership Structure

Currently, Cricket Wireless is a subsidiary of AT&T, and it operates as a prepaid wireless brand under the AT&T umbrella. AT&T is a publicly-traded company, and it is listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol "T." AT&T is one of the largest telecommunications companies in the world, and it provides a wide range of services, including wireless services, internet services, and cable TV services.

As a subsidiary of AT&T, Cricket Wireless operates independently, and it has its own management team, employees, and customer service center. However, the company leverages AT&T's network infrastructure and resources to provide reliable wireless services to customers across the country.

Impact of Ownership Changes on Cricket Wireless

Over the years, Cricket Wireless has gone through several ownership changes, and each change has had a significant impact on the company's operations and strategy. When Cricket Wireless was initially founded by Leap Wireless International, the company focused on providing wireless services to customers in rural areas, where there was limited competition from other wireless providers. However, as the company expanded to major cities across the country, it faced intense competition from other wireless providers, and it had to adapt its strategy to stay competitive.

When Cricket Wireless was acquired by AT&T in 2013, the company's operations and strategy underwent significant changes. Under AT&T's ownership, Cricket Wireless was able to expand its network coverage, improve its data speeds, and introduce new plans that catered to different customers' needs. The acquisition also provided Cricket Wireless with access to AT&T's resources and network infrastructure, which enabled the company to provide more reliable wireless services to its customers.

Future of Cricket Wireless

As a subsidiary of AT&T, Cricket Wireless is well-positioned to continue providing affordable wireless services to customers across the country. The company has a strong brand reputation, a loyal customer base, and access to AT&T's network infrastructure and resources, which gives it a competitive advantage overother prepaid wireless providers in the market. In addition, the company is constantly innovating and introducing new plans and services that cater to different customers' needs. For example, in 2020, Cricket Wireless launched a new unlimited data plan that included access to HBO Max, AT&T's streaming service. This plan was designed to appeal to customers who wanted a more comprehensive entertainment experience with their wireless service.

In the future, Cricket Wireless is expected to continue expanding its network coverage and improving its data speeds. The company is also likely to introduce new plans and services that cater to emerging trends in the wireless market, such as 5G technology and the Internet of Things (IoT). In addition, the company may explore new partnerships and collaborations with other companies in the AT&T family to enhance its offerings and provide more value to its customers.


In conclusion, Cricket Wireless is a popular prepaid wireless provider that has been providing affordable wireless services to customers in the United States for over two decades. The company has gone through several ownership changes over the years, and it is currently a subsidiary of AT&T. Under AT&T's ownership, Cricket Wireless has been able to expand its network coverage, improve its data speeds, and introduce new plans that cater to different customers' needs. In the future, Cricket Wireless is expected to continue providing reliable wireless services to customers across the country and remain a leading player in the prepaid wireless market.

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