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What Time Does Cricket Close?

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Cricket is one of the most popular sports in the world, played in numerous countries across the globe. It is a game that requires a lot of physical and mental stamina from the players, and it can go on for several hours or even days. This can lead to a common question among fans, "what time does cricket close?" This article answer this question in detail.

The length of the game

One of the main factors that determine what time cricket closes is the length of the game. Cricket matches can be of different formats, such as test matches, one-day internationals (ODIs), and T20s. Test matches are the longest format of cricket and can last for up to five days, while ODIs and T20s are shorter and usually last for around 8-9 hours and 3-4 hours, respectively.

Test matches

Test matches are played over five days, and each day's play can last up to six hours. The game starts at 11:00 am local time and ends at 6:00 pm, with a lunch break and a tea break in between. However, the game can extend beyond the regular playing hours if the team batting last is close to the target or if the match is in a crucial stage. In such cases, the umpires may allow an extra 30 minutes of play, which is known as the "extra half-hour."

The start time and duration of a test match can vary depending on the location and weather conditions. In some countries, matches may start earlier or later to avoid extreme weather conditions. In case of rain or bad light, the match can be interrupted, and the playing hours can be extended to make up for the lost time.

One-Day Internationals (ODIs)

ODIs are played in a single day, and each team plays for 50 overs. The game starts at around 10:30 am local time and can end by 6:30 pm, depending on the number of overs bowled and the interruptions due to rain or bad light. ODIs also have a lunch break and a tea break, which usually last for 40 minutes each.

T20 Matches

T20 matches are the shortest format of cricket, and each team plays for 20 overs. The game starts in the evening, usually around 7:00 pm, and can end by 11:00 pm, depending on the number of overs bowled and the interruptions due to rain or bad light. T20 matches are known for their high-intensity and fast-paced nature, and they attract a large number of fans worldwide.

Factors that affect the closing time of cricket matches

There are several factors that can affect the closing time of cricket matches. These include:

1.  Weather conditions

The weather plays a significant role in determining the closing time of cricket matches. If the weather is good, the match can be completed on time. However, if it starts raining or there is bad light, the match may be interrupted, and the closing time can be extended.

2.  Match situation

The match situation can also affect the closing time of cricket matches. If the match is in a crucial stage, the umpires may allow an extra half-hour of play to ensure that the game reaches a decisive result. In such cases, the closing time can be extended beyond the regular playing hours.

3.  Length of the innings

The length of the innings can also affect the closing time of cricket matches. If a team is batting first and gets bowled out quickly, the match can end early. However, if a team is batting last and is close to the target, the match can extend beyond the regular playing hours.

4.  Technical issues

Technical issues such as power failure, floodlight failure, or malfunctioning equipment can also affect the closing time of cricket matches. If the technical issues can be resolved quickly, the match can continue on time. However, if the issues persist, the match may be interrupted, and the closing time can be extended.

5.  Ground conditions

Ground conditions such as wet outfield, uneven bounce, or dangerous pitch can also affect the closing time of cricket matches. If the ground conditions are unsafe for the players, the umpires may stop the match and extend the closing time to ensure that the game is played under safe conditions.


In conclusion, the closing time of cricket matches can vary depending on the format of the game, location, weather conditions, match situation, length of the innings, technical issues, and ground conditions. While most cricket matches have a scheduled closing time, the actual closing time can be extended if necessary. Fans can stay updated on the closing time of cricket matches by following the official websites and social media pages of the cricket boards or by tuning in to live broadcasts. Overall, cricket is a fascinating sport that requires patience, skill, and endurance from the players, and the closing time of the match is just one of the many factors that make it an exciting game to watch.

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